NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 3, issue 5, June 17, 1992) Hello, This is vol. 3, issue 5 of the 1992 NeXT NUGGET NEWS DIGEST - a collection of items of interest for the NeXT User Group members. There are more than 340 NeXT User Groups in 34 countries around the world. If you wish to start a new NeXT user group locally or if you have a NeXT User Group but have not registered it, please send email to Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups _____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents I. The NeXTSTEP Advantage Booklet Available on Purdue Archive server II. NeXT Licenses NetInfo Source Code III. Announcing EquationBuilder for the NeXTSTEP environment IV. Font Hotline V. NeXTwatch Software Update VII. Announcing a new NeXTSTEP discussion list! VIII. Announcing MIDI Sequencing Software: Presto IX. Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP X. Announcing Version 3.01 of Cub'X-Windows from Cub'X Systemes XI. Co-Xist (X-windows) 2.1.2 is Shipping XII. Insight Software Announces ElectroFile for NeXTSTEP XIII. Announcing SBook for NeXTSTEP XIV. Congratulations to Gotham Users of NeXT _____________________________________________________________ I. The NeXTSTEP Advantage Booklet Available on Purdue Archive Server The "NeXTSTEP Advantage" electronic document gives compelling examples of why NeXTSTEP is the clear choice for Object-Oriented program development and deployment for academic and commercial uses. For those new to the NeXT environment, this document is available via ftp from the Purdue University archive server: It is located under /pub/next/docs/NeXT. You might also check out the other resourses located in the /pub/next/docs directory! NeXTanswers, NeXT course schedules, the Booz Allen study, and Interface Builder Tutorials are all located here. (If you know someone considering NeXT, you might refer them to these documents.) _____________________________________________________________ II. NeXT Licenses NetInfo Source Code News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Allison Thomas Associates Angela Grady, (415) 780-3786 ** NeXT Licenses NetInfo Source Code ** System Administration Software Has Already Been Ported to Sun, Other UNIX Systems REDWOOD CITY, Calif., May 11, 1992 - NeXT Computer, Inc. today announced that it has begun licensing source code for its NetInfo network administration software. NetInfo lets system administrators manage users, machines, file systems and other network resources on UNIX networks, and can be ported to any UNIX-based computer. Based on a distributed, extensible database, NetInfo gives system administrators a much more flexible and manageable access control scheme than with other UNIX network administration tools. In addition, NetInfo allows network databases to be updated incrementally, rather than updating the entire database for each change and lets administrators distribute management authority across the network. NetInfo is available for licensing by developers, resellers and qualified corporate and commercial customers. "NetInfo offers significant enhancements over other network administration systems, and by licensing NetInfo source code NeXT is making these enhancements available in heterogeneous environments, "said Kevin Wells, NeXT's operating system product manager. "This product represents another important effort - and NeXT's first licensing venture - to make our superior technology even more widely available, both within and beyond the NeXTSTEP environment." Already, NeXT has licensed NetInfo to a number of third-party developers, value-added resellers and large customers, some of whom have ported it to non-NeXTSTEP platforms. For example, Codex Corporation, of Albert Park, Victoria, Australia, has announced a complete NetInfo product for Sun workstations and servers. Called NetInfo for Sun, it will allow easier, more reliable and more efficient administration of networks of Sun workstations, including the ability to manage mixed networks of Sun and NeXT workstations from a single workstation. "We needed a distributed network configuration management system, and with its efficiency, flexibility and extensibility, NetInfo presented a unique and elegant solution. Having successfully migrated the product to the Sun platform, we believe NetInfo will establish itself as a de facto standard for network information systems," said J. Matthew Pryor, director of software technology at Codex. NeXT is providing both the server and client functions in its NetInfo source code product, and developers can port either or both to any UNIX system (e.g., Sun, Auspex, Data General, Pyramid). With NetInfo, network administrators can administer heterogeneous networks from any NeXT workstation using NeXTSTEP graphical applications such as HostManager and NFS Manager, which are included in the NeXTSTEP system software. Because NetInfo is extensible, NeXTSTEP customers can use NetInfo's flexible network database in their development of mission-critical custom applications for distributed systems in heterogeneous computing environments. Other customers will be able to purchase "shrink-wrapped" versions of NetInfo from developers who license the source code and create platform- specific ports of the software. Availability NetInfo source code is available now, directly from NeXT, to developers, VARs and qualified customers. NeXT Computer, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets professional workstations based on the revolutionary NeXTSTEP object-oriented system software. NeXT computers are used by medium and large organizations to develop and deploy mission- critical custom applications, which run alongside a robust suite of advanced productivity applications and share the same user interface. NeXT is headquartered at 900 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, California, 94063. ________________________________________________________________ III. Announcing EquationBuilder for the NeXTSTEP environment FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Terrence Talbot Digital Tool Works 100 Charles St, Ste D Boston, MA 02114 (617) 742-4057 (Voice) Email: lexcube! or lexcube! Digital Tool Works announces equation typesetting software for NeXT computers BOSTON, Mass., June 11, 1992 - Digital Tool Works(TM) today announced the availability of EquationBuilder(TM), technical publishing software for NeXT(TM) computers. EquationBuilder is the first fully WYSIWYG technical equation editor for NeXTSTEP(TM). Using a distributed, object-oriented approach to typesetting, EquationBuilder expressions are dynamically recomposed each time the expression is edited, assuring typographic consistency and professional quality results. With EquationBuilder, mathematical expressions are easily constructed from a palette of common elements such as Fractions, Matrices, and Delimiters. Each element is an object and can be inspected quickly, changing its form in obvious and intuitive ways. EquationBuilder automatically follows standard professional typesetting rules, and manual kerning of arbitrary elements is also possible through inspectors. EquationBuilder's intuitive graphical interface takes full advantage of NeXTSTEP's object-oriented environment. Using Encapsulated PostScript(TM) as its native file format, EquationBuilder expressions can be included in any page layout or word processing application by simple drag-and-drop. EquationBuilder can also be used to generate TeX output, giving TeX users a simple, intuitive equation composition environment. "EquationBuilder will close an important gap in available third-party software for technical publishing, specifically for users in higher education, as well as the government and scientific research communities," said Ronald Weissman, NeXT's director of strategic markets. "This is the first fully object-oriented technical equation editor on the market, and we think users will be impressed with the capabilities of the application." EquationBuilder version 0.9b (beta) will be available in mid-July from Digital Tool Works and will work with NeXT computers running NeXTSTEP 2.0 or higher. Users who purchase a beta version of EquationBuilder will be entitled to a free software upgrade to version 1.0 when it becomes available later in 1992. Version 1.0 will take full advantage of new features in NeXTSTEP 3.0, including object linking. "We introduced EquationBuilder at the Mathematica Conference last month, and we've had so much interest, we wanted to get a version of EqB out to the NeXT community as soon as possible," said Ray Ghanbari of Digital Tool Works. "When NeXTSTEP 3.0 ships, we will ship EquationBuilder 1.0, which will really take advantage of some of the great new features in 3.0." The Beta version of EquationBuilder will be available at a special pre-release price of $ - , a 33% discount from the $ - list price. Digital Tool Works is a privately funded software start-up dedicated to the development of productivity and authoring tools running under NeXTSTEP. -30- (C) 1992 Digital Tool Works. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. _______________________________________________________________ IV. Font Hotline RightBrain Software established the Font Hotline in January '92, to further serve the increasing demand for fonts. It is designed as a dedicated number to font customers for both sales and service. All fonts come on 3.5" floppy disk and are shipped OVERNIGHT for a $- charge for domestic service. The Font Hotline also has the Adobe Font & Function catalog to help with your font shopping. Also, look for the up-coming "Font of the Month Club" if you're someone who is intrigued by fonts but have difficulty deciding which ones to buy. Type experts will choose one or two fonts each month to send to members at a special price. Please feel free to send inquires to, or call the Font Hotline 800-525-FONT (+1 415-326-2976). Glenn Reid NeXTMail: RightBrain Software 415-326-2974 (NeXTfax 326-2977) _______________________________________________________________ V. NeXTwatch Software Update From: (Arthur C. Kyle Phone: 415-474-7803) If you develop commercial products for the NeXT computer, NeXTwatch needs to hear from you! Every month we list all shipping products (The NeXT Software Update) and all announced products (Software in the Mist), but we need to hear from you if you have announced a new product or your listing has otherwise changed. We need to know about you to include you. This is a great way to let potential customers know about your products and remind current customers about new releases and updates. For a listing of the information we want, send an empty e-mail message to Information will be mailed to you automatically. Thank you for your cooperation. Arthur C. Kyle Editor-in-chief For information about NeXTwatch, please e-mail: (ASCII) or (NeXTmail) Information will be mailed to you automatically. --- Arthur C. Kyle 415-474-7803 Skylee Press PO Box 471645, San Francisco, CA 94147-1645 USA Legal Notice NeXT and NeXTwatch are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. and NeXTwatch is used herein pursuant to license. NeXTwatch is not affiliated with NeXT Computer, Inc. ___________________________________________________________________ VII. Announcing a new NeXTSTEP discussion list NeXTSTEP operating environment Discussion List is now available on LISTSERV@IndyCMS.BITNET or LISTSERV@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu. NeXTSTEP (NeXTSTEP operating environment) is dedicated to discussion of the NeXTSTEP operating environment produced by NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXTSTEP (the list) is completely independent of NeXTSTEP (the operating environment) and NeXT Computer, Inc. (the manufacturer). NeXTSTEP (the list) is owned and coordinated by a computing professional (Phillip Gross Corporon) and an interested layperson (John B Harlan). NeXTSTEP (the list) is bidirectionally gatewayed to the INET newsgroup, comp.soft-sys.nextstep. To subscribe to the NeXTSTEP e-mail list send mail to LISTSERV@IndyCMS.BITNET or LISTSERV@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu the the following command in the BODY of the mail: SUB NEXTSTEP yourfirstname yourlastname List owners/coordinators: Phillip Gross Corporon phil@CSE.ND.Edu F3PB88@IrishMVS F3PB88@IrishMVS.CC.ND.Edu John B Harlan JBHarlan@IndyVAX JBHarlan@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu __________________________________________________________________ VIII. Announcing MIDI Sequencing Software: Presto [Note: A demo version of Presto has been placed on the and archives with the filename PrestoDemo.tar.Z. It is currently in the /pub/next/submissions directory but should soon move to the /pub/next/2.0-release/demos directory. - R.Z.] For Immediate Release: MIDI Sequencing software for NeXT Computers is now available! Tucson, Arizona - May 12, 1992. Pinnacle Research, Inc. today announced the availability of its MIDI sequencing and DSP synthesis software, Presto. "Presto is the first product on any platform to bring the full power of DSP synthesis to the world of sequencing. Its seamless integration with the NeXT Music Kit allows the user to craft his or her own sounds and modify them during the course of a musical phrase with an unprecedented level of control. Furthermore, Presto lets you do all this in the context of MIDI sequencing so you get the best of both worlds--the flexibility of software (DSP) synthesis with the power and ease of use of MIDI." 1 Dr. David Jaffe, Visiting Lecturer, Princeton University Music Department. Paired with a MIDI interface, Presto allows NeXT users to record and play music using MIDI compatible keyboards and sound generators. Users without MIDI equipment or those wishing to expand their sound generation capabilities can use the DSP to generate CD quality sound output. Presto provides a library of DSP "voicings", including piano, electric bass, strings, voice, woodwinds, and percussion instruments. Existing sounds can be modified to create new, custom sounds. Presto's intuitive graphical interface takes full advantage of the NeXTSTEP environment. Drag-and-drop measure editing allows the user to move, copy, insert, merge or replace groups of measures. Note and MIDI controller editing can be performed either graphically or with the event-list editor. Transforms such as Quantize, Transpose, Velocity Adjust and Time Shift are provided, including a randomize option which can be used to "humanize" sequenced passages. Presto's multi-document support allows the user to simultaneously edit multiple files and effortlessly transfer data between them. Presto reads and writes Standard MIDI Files as well as NeXT Score and Playscore file formats. Presto also transmits MIDI Real-Time clock, enabling the user to synchronize external devices such as drum-machines and hardware sequencers to Presto's playback. "The wait is finally over. Presto's integrated MIDI and DSP support will allow anyone owning a NeXT to start creating music, and we still have several tricks up our sleeves..." - Ralph Zazula, President of Pinnacle Research, Inc. Presto version 0.9b (Beta) is available now for a special low introductory price. Users purchasing a Beta version of Presto will be entitled to a FREE upgrade to version 1.0 when it becomes available later in 1992. Pinnacle Research, Inc. also offers a complete system bundle including a MIDI interface. Contact Pinnacle Research, Inc. for pricing information. Educational discounts are available. For more information contact: Pinnacle Research, Inc. 4725 E. Sunrise Dr. #435 Tucson, AZ 85718 (602)529-1135 (Voice) (602)299-9133 (FAX) (NeXT mail) All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. Copyright 1992 Pinnacle Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved _______________________________________________________________ IX. Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP Introducing the 'purple book', "Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP", by Adobe Systems Incorporated. For those of you unfamiliar with the Display PostScript system, it brings to interactive displays the same powerful graphics capabilities that have made the PostScript lanugage a popular choice for hardcopy output devices. The Display PostScript system ships as part of the NeXTSTEP window system and is available as an extension to the X Window system. This book is written for the NeXT programming environment; however, much of the information it contains applies to all Display PostScript developers. The book explains the language extensions commonly used within applications, describes many of the key aspects of the PostScript imaging model, and provides a framework for creating Display PostScript applications. Topics include: o PostScript language coordinate system o Offscreen buffering o Drawing optimizations o Displaying Text o Hit Detection o Drawing patterns o Zooming o Importing EPS and TIFF files o Scaling o Binary encoded formats POSTSCRIPT LANGUAGE BOOKS Here is the ordering information for the Adobe PostScript Language books. All are published by Addison-Wesley and are listed as authored by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Red Book: Postscript Language Reference Manual, SECOND EDITION ISBN 0-201-18127-4 Blue Book: Postscript Language Tutorial and Cookbook ISBN 0-201-10179-3 Green Book:PostScript Language Program Design ISBN 0-201-14396-8 Black Book: Adobe Type 1 Font Format Specification ISBN 0-201-57044-0 Purple Book: Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP ISBN 0-201-58135-3 These books can be obtained from most computer book stores. In addition, all Adobe products may be ordered direct from Adobe Systems in Mountain View, California, by calling 1-800-83-FONTS (U.S. and Canada only) or 415-961-4400 (ask for "Inside Sales"). You will need a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card to order by phone. You will be charged extra for shipping. _______________________________________________________________ X. Announcing Version 3.01 of Cub'X-Windows from Cub'X Systemes Cub'x Systemes is now shipping version 3.01 of Cub'X-Window, X-Window server for NeXT computers. Cub'X-Window provides a true X11 client/server architecture on the NeXT computer, in full compliance with the MIT specifications for the X-Window system, version 11, release 4. Cub'X-Window version 3.01 includes 3 server options, to provide the best answer to the user's needs. With Cub'X-Window v3.01, users can run X-Window applications: - In the NeXTSTEP environment, simultaneously with other NeXT applications. - In full screen display, in a virtual screen parallel to the NeXTSTEP one. A mouse move brings you instantaneously from one environment to the other. - Without NeXTSTEP, to fully benefit from the NeXT CPU power. The three options achieve performances not reached by any other X-Window server available for NeXT computers. (Benchmarks available on request). - Cub'X-Window includes text cut/copy/paste between both environments, and an X-Window screen grab feature. Cub'X- Window v3.01 runs on monochrome and color NeXTstations (classic and Turbo) and monochrome NeXTcube. The Cub'X-Window package includes OSF Motif 1.1.3, on-line documentation and development libraries. Cub'X-Window, Cub'x Systemes are registered trademarks of Cub'x Systemes SA. NeXT, NeXTstation, NeXTcube are trademarks of NeXT Computer Inc. OSF/Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. X-Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Insitute of Technology. Contact: Phone: Roger Brown at 503-644-0111 (Interactive Technology, Inc.) for North American distribution. Claire Normand Cub'x Systemes Immeuble CBC cedex 71 92043 Paris La Defense France Phone: (++33-1) 46-93-29-25 Fax: (++33-1) 46-93-29-21 E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ XI. Co-Xist (X-windows) 2.1.2 is Shipping Pencom Software has announced the availability of Release 2.1.2 of co-Xist, the X Window System (X11R4) for the NeXT Computer. This latest release of co-Xist offers: * rootless windows * performance enhancements The rootless windows version represents an important enhancement because it allows the user to position and stack X windows independently and coherently with NextStep windows. Users may select their favorite X Window Manager, or use a built in NextStep Window Manager to control their X Windows' applications. co-xist 2.1.1 users are eligible to upgrade to this new version simply by registering their copy of co-Xist. Those who have registered will be automatically mailed a copy of the new release. co-Xist is available directly from Pencom Software and provides a full X11R4 color server capable of supporting standard color X11R4 clients and applications. Pencom also offers the latest release of the Open Software Foundation's Motif on the NeXT. Full on line Digital Librarian documentation is also available. For more information, contact Pencom 9050 Capital of Texas Highway North Suite 300 Austin, Texas, 78759. Telephone: 800-PENCOM-4 or 512/343-1111. Fax: 512/343-9650. Electronic Mail: _________________________________________________________________ XII. Insight Software Announces ElectroFile for NeXTSTEP From: (Ted Slupesky) Insight Software 3004 SW First Avenue Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503) 222-2425 Fax (503) 222-0257 Insight Software ships ElectroFile for the NeXT computer. Insight Software is now shipping ElectroFile, a powerful yet easy-to-use electronic filing system for the NeXT computer. ElectroFile takes full advantage of NeXT's imaging capabilities and allows users to file and locate any kind of document with unprecedented speed. Originally developed for the complex filing needs of litigation support, ElectroFile's ability to process all types of filesP-EPS, TIFF, RTF, faxes, spreadsheets, etc.-Pmakes it the ideal electronic filing system for anybody using a NeXT computer. Even simple everyday tasks become easier, such as locating a specific fax or office memorandum which was received several weeks ago. ElectroFile's approach to document retrieval is extraordinarily powerful. The retrieval engine is based upon B*Tree indexes and generates fast searches, regardless of the number of documents in the library. The user may build arbitrarily complex search paradigms by combining text and field searches, coupled with date restriction options. Classification is easy with user-configurable indexing and automated data entry. Files are loaded into ElectroFile either by the "drag and drop" method or by scanning images directly into ElectroFile's own "Front Desk." ElectroFile allows the user to attach files, add notes, edit, OCR, or record voice messages either on the classification interface or in a notes section automatically placed below each page of the original document. Availability ElectroFile is currently shipping and available. For price information contact NeXTConnection at (800) 800-NeXT or +1 603.446.7771. Academic discounts are available to qualified individuals and institutions. Companies interested in the upcoming networkable version of ElectroFile should contact Insight Software directly at +1 503.222.2425. For a free demo version of ElectroFile, contact Insight Software directly. There is also a demo version of ElectroFile and sample library on the following three archive sites:,, and ________________________________________________________________ XIII. Announcing SBook for NeXTSTEP From: (Simson L. Garfinkel) SBook is: * A name-address database * A telephone dialer * A envelope printer * A mailing label generator * An email sender * A free-form database This summer I will be releasing a new product called SBook, a free-form database designed for managing your contacts with the outside world. A pre-release version is available NOW on the archive servers: CS.ORST.EDU SONATA.CC.PURDUE.EDU as SBook.demo.tar.Z SBook keeps track of people you know. It has a simple search field at the top; as you type the letters from a person's name, the scroller instantly updates to show all of the people who match the letters that you've typed. When you get a unique selection, that person's info is displayed in the address area. You can put any information you want in the address area. SBook will automatically find addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. It then puts an icon next to each. To dial the phone, just click on the telephone icon. To send an envelope to somebody, just click on the envelope icon, and put the envelope into your printer. SBook also logs all phone calls and envelopes that you've printed in a form that can be imported into a time management system. It will find all the addresses and print mailing labels, or find all the phone numbers and print a handy-dandy pocket book. I started working on SBook several months ago out of frustration: there just wasn't a good system for keeping track of names and addresses on the NeXT. Now it's evolved into a full-featured product. SBook will import data from tab-delimited records, the Macintosh QuickDEX program, or free-form databases. It can export in ASCII or QuickDEX. It also converts fonts (to a limited extent), so you can easily move data back and forth between Mac and NeXT. The demo version that I've put on the archive servers is a full-featured version with just one catch: After August 1st, the program will no longer save files. It will still export, though, so you don't have to worry about losing your data. The final version of SBook should be ready by mid June. For pricing and other info, send email to: I'm debating whether or not to make the source-code available with the program. I'm also having an Icon design contest. The person who sends me the best icon gets 3 free copies of SBook when it is released. Well, that's it! Grab it. Try it. Share it with a friend. SBook is free until August 1st. Simson L. Garfinkel Email: _______________________________________________________________ XIV. Congratulations to Gotham Users of NeXT Congratulations to the Gotham Users of NeXT (GUN) user group to their recruiting of 5 Corporate Sponsors donating $100 of more to their group. The sponsors include: American General Information Services, Inc. CS First Boston (Japan) Limited Marble Associates, Inc. NorthStar Technologies, Inc. Nova Works Computer Systems, Inc. Does your user group have local sponsors (developers, resellers, training and support organizations) for your group? _______________________________________________________________